Thursday, December 2, 2010

I Am Not A Perfect Girl..

Don't leave me in all this pain.. Don't leave me out in the rain..
Come back and bring back my smile.. Come and take these tears away..

Separuh jiwaku pergi..
Memang indah semua tapi berakhir luka....

I dont want to possess u..

or change u..

I only want to hold u..

and touch u..

and look into your eyes..

and tell u...

I love u with all my heart..

I always love you regardless whatever happen between us. Nothing will ever stop me from loving you.. In the end my love for you will remain the same in my heart.. I may not be a perfect girl for u dear but i will try my best to comfort, ease, and loving you for all my life..

Kita merancang tapi DIA yang menentukan.. Aku akan berusaha untuk tabah mengharungi segala cabaran dan dugaan dari Yang Maha Esa.. Semoga hubungan ini sentiasa dirahmati dan kami kekal bahagia selamanya.. InsyaAllah.. Amin..


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